Saturday, 18 May 2019

"Island Glade" Nasi Lemak

Island Glades Nasi Lemak

Imagine my surprise when I walk into the Bukit Mas Kopi Tiam, Butterworth and noticed Packets of Island Glades Nasi Lemak at the tables. 

I have heard of this "Brand" of Nasi Lemak before, as reputed as on of the best around, at the Island and around Island Glades.  So out of curiosity I tried a packet and I was hook,  Flavorful, Fragrant and with a punch, with quality it comes with it price which is 50% higher then the standard around here. 

I found out later that the “Manufacturer” has now move to the Mainland and have 8 “Stalls” around.  They have stop selling on the Island.  So the Islanders Loss is the Mainlanders Gain.   Oh yes if you want better grab the packets you want,  don’t say will come back later,  it will be gone.  Better then Chipmore. 

I understand they have a stall that sell for lunch somewhere near where I stay,  this stall you have a choice of toppings instead to the standard toppings, I will be on the watch out for this  
Location Map here 

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